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The Outstanding Alumni/Retired Faculty Awards honors individuals who have attained outstanding achievements and success in their professions and/or have attained outstanding service to their communities and NEO A&M College.

Selection criteria

Seven Outstanding Alumni Awards may be presented each year. Nominees must be graduates or former students of NEO A&M.

  • Outstanding Young Alumni Award will be awarded to a graduate or former student under the age of 40.
  • Outstanding Retired Faculty Award will recognize a retired NEO educator for teaching, public service, research and engagement. Must be retired 5 years
  • Outstanding Retired Staff Award will recognize a retired NEO educator for teaching, public service, research and engagement. Must be retired 5 years.
  • Outstanding Alumni for the School of Liberal Arts.
  • Outstanding Alumni for the School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences.
  • Outstanding Alumni for the School of Human Environmental Sciences.
  • Award of Merit will be awarded based on service and/or philanthropic support of NEO.

Criteria for the awards are the nominees’ professional achievements and/or personal service that may bring recognition and honor to NEO.

Selection process

The nominator must be an individual other than the nominee. The nominator must be an individual who is not a family member of the nominee or on the selection committee.
The Selection Committee will review all of the active nominations each spring and announce recipients.

Award procedure

The recipients will be contacted by the Foundation Director and asked to accept the award.
After the recipients have been contacted, the Alumni Office and Office of Public Information will contact the recipients regarding activities during Homecoming. A member of the Selection Committee will serve as liaison to each honoree prior to and during Homecoming.
The recipients will be honored during annual Homecoming activities. The official recognition will be during the Homecoming Alumni Luncheon.

The nomination form should be submitted on or before April 1.

Outstanding Alumni Nomination


Nomination submitted by:


Please respond to the following questions. The selection team bases its decision on the written information provided. A complete application should address all the categories with specific examples in each.

Max. file size: 2 MB.

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